Prayer is powerful

Hugh Coleman, related to Kathy Robertson and Jay Street, needs our continued prayers for his ongoing battle with liver cancer.

Julie Wilson has been diagnosed with shingles on her forehead. She will be seeing an ophthalmologist to monitor possible effects on her eyes. Julie asks for prayers for a quick recovery and that there are no effects to her vision.

Patricia and Iver Mohler request prayers for personal situations they are currently dealing with in their life.

Ben and Emily Harrison have been struggling with infertility for three years. With humility and vulnerability, they ask for prayers that the Lord will open Emily's womb and give them a child as they go through the next step of IVF

Aaliyah Quarles is thankful for a procedure last week that helped with dialysis this week.  Please continue to pray for her opportunities for a kidney.

During the 2023-24 school year we will feature one family each week for our church family to pray for and get to know.  Our goal is for you to see the joy each child brings to our family and their unique personalities. Please continue to pray for the children and teachers.

Current Prayer Requests